The Brethren

34,60 бел. руб.
Хаггард Г.Р., The Brethren, 978-5-521-06615-5, Rugram
This novel is set in the climactic months before the opening of the Third Crusade, called the Kings’ Crusade. The Brethren is a classic tale of love and chivalry, unfolding amidst the touching story of two English knights who are in love with the same maiden. The devotion of these men is tested when their beloved is carried away against her will to Palestine and eventually to the court of the famous Muslim leader, Saladin.
Дополнительная информация
ISBN 978-5-521-06615-5
Автор Хаггард Г.Р.
Издательство Rugram
Переплет Обл
Серия Original
Вес, гр 599
Год 2018
Стр. 468