In a Glass Darkly I. Green Tea, The Familiar & Mr. Justice Harbottle

ISBN 978-5-521-07120-3
Автор Фаню Д.Ш.
Издательство Rugram
Переплет Обл
Серия Original
Вес, гр 239
Год 2018
Стр. 176
Сроки выполнения Уточняем в течение 24 часов после оформления заказа
Joseph Thomas Sheridan Le Fanu (1814 —1873) was an Irish writer of Gothic novels, one of the most influential ghost story writers of the nineteenth century. "In a Glass Darkly" is a collection of mystery stories presented as cases of the occult detective Dr. Martin Hesselius, who believes that ghosts can be real. Three stories are included in this book: Green Tea, The Familiar, and Mr. Justice Harbottle.