Unquenchable thirst of love...

ISBN 978-5-00153-202-6
Автор Годов М.
Издательство Rugram
Переплет Обл
Формат 60х90/16
Серия Библиотека премии Набокова
Вес, гр 353
Год 2020
Стр. 270
Сроки выполнения Уточняем в течение 24 часов после оформления заказа
This book is about an declaration of love to a wonderful woman in a classic sonnet style, in tradition, which goes all the way up to Francesco Petrarke, William Shakespeare, Ronsar, Bodler, Verlen and other famous masters of this genre. And live a day... This book is about many areas of life of humans, the full range of feelings experienced by each of us, but its leitmotif is love in all its faces.