Institute of Archeology: New Expeditions and Projects. (Ed. by Academician N.A. Makarov.)

ISBN 978-5-94375-192-9
Издательство ИА РАН
Переплет тв
Формат 60х90/8
Год 2016
Стр. 144
Сроки выполнения Уточняем в течение 24 часов после оформления заказа
ID 405Гн
The publication is devoted to the latest expedition and research projects of the Institute of Archaeology Russian Academy of Sciences. The results of the excavations carried out between 2010 and 2014 presented in this volume cover various areas of the Institute work over a wide geographical area from the Baltics and the Chukotka Peninsula and chronological timelines from the Early Paleolithic to the Modern Age.