Eurasian Integration and Law: An Approach to Issues of Theory and Practice

ISBN 978-93-5547-845-0
Автор Курбанов Р.А.
Издательство Проспект
Переплет Пер
Серия Отдельное издание
Год 2023
Стр. 296
The transition to multi-polarity and increasing of the geopolitical competition, fast creation in the world of new regional spaces are unavoidably issue challenges before Eurasian countries of review and correlation of existing areas of regional cooperation, the development of a new multi-vector policy, especially in Eurasia. The law plays the most important role in achieving such goals because law is a regulator of relations both at the national and at the international levels. In this monograph the authors’ concept of the formation of the Eurasian integration and law was set out, it was developed on the base of the analysis of doctrinal approaches to the theoretical and legal foundations, the genesis, the main features and characteristics of the Eurasian law as an element of the international law. Particular interest has undoubtedly the review of the Eurasia s regional integration organizations (summits, forums, programs and initiatives).